Wednesday, July 22, 2015

SMART Board Videos

Video #1

The first video that I watched was titled, SMART Notebook 11. This video was created by SMART Education to inform people about the product, SMART Notebook 11. This video gave an overview of the product, and the new features that came with it. SMART Notebook 11 is an innovative technology tool for education because of its interactive nature with the internet. If there is anything form the internet that a teacher would like to use for an activity, they can easily drag it to a black document on the SMART Board. This is innovative because the process happens instantly and a file conversion does not have to be completed. Another innovative tool with SMART Notebook 11 is the ability for students to use digital crayons. With technology increasing in education, it is important to retain some of the old education techniques, but improve them. The crayon feature accomplishes this because students will feel like they are actually using a real crayon. To watch this video, please visit:

Video #2

The second video that I watched was SMART Notebook 11: The Activity Builder. The video, created by Danny Nicholson, included informative details about how to create activities with SMART Notebook 11. An example of an activity that he modeled was determining if certain types of animals were insects. He was able to create an "insect" circle and a "not an insect" circle. If an animal was not considered an insect, they would be thrown out of the circle if a student tried to put it in there. With little preparation time, this activity would promote interaction from students in the classroom. New technology like this will replace the monotonous learning practices of worksheets and make the students feel like they are interacting with what they are trying to learn. The major positive with SMART Notebook learning like this is that students will be eager to learn because they will want to interact with the SMART Notebook. This video can be viewed at:

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