Monday, July 20, 2015

Feedly Article #1 - 6 Reasons Why Puppets Will Change Your Classroom Forever

After reading the article, 6 Reasons Why Puppets Will Change Your Classroom Forever, I learned how the usage of puppets can enhance the classroom learning experience for students. The article discussed how puppets in the classroom could help students learn more. Not only would the teacher be using a puppet, but students could create their own puppets as well. They would then use these puppets to converse with the teacher during discussions in the classroom. By having a puppet speak for them, the students will be more focused and engaged in the discussion because it will be less boring than a regular lecture.

I found this article interesting enough to bookmark for future use. As a person who is creative, the usage of puppets in class is something I plan on incorporating into my future classroom. Instead of making my own puppets, I would probably buy some nice ones and use them in my lessons. I would then give them special voices, names, and create voices for them. By doing this, it will hopefully make them true "members" of the classroom. I would use them to introduce new concepts and projects. Secondly, I would use them in my discussion so my students could ask them questions about what has being taught in class because they might be more inclined to ask a puppet than their teacher.
This article, 6 Reasons Why Puppets Will Change Your Classroom Forever, was found on the Edutopia website. The well-written article was wrote by Scott Patterson, a K-5 Educational Technology specialist. If you would like to view the full article, it can be found at:

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